The Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative

Cybersecurity Response and Recovery Planning

The Bay Area UASI, in conjunction with the NCRIC, has engaged in region-wide cyber planning efforts. These efforts include development and delivery of a cybersecurity preparedness survey and plan review, conduct of the 2020 Bay Area UASI Cybersecurity Preparedness Workshop, development of the Cyber Toolkit, delivery of the Cyber Toolkit Workshop, and creation of the Regional Cyber Incident Response Framework. The Bay Area UASI is pleased to offer the following cybersecurity resources:

Cyber Framework

Bay Area Regional Cyber Incident Response Framework: Assists organizations/jurisdictions in strengthening their cyber incident response capabilities, engaging in county-wide/operational area cyber incident response efforts, and building a region-wide cyber incident response capability.


Cyber Toolkit
The Cyber Toolkit includes tools and templates created to assist organizations/jurisdictions in strengthening their cyber planning, response, and recovery. The Bay Area UASI and NCRIC designed the Cyber Toolkit, incorporating feedback from 2019’s Cybersecurity Preparedness Survey and plan review as well as discussion from the Cybersecurity Preparedness Workshop. The Cyber Toolkit is designed to stand alone or build on completed Continuity of Operations plans in conjunction with the Bay Area UASI COOP/COG Toolkit.

Available materials include:

Cyber Toolkit Executive Summary: Introduces and describes the contents of the Cyber Toolkit and explains the relationships between the plan templates and other related planning efforts

Technology Recovery Plan Template: Identifies priorities, strategies, and resources that your organization/jurisdiction can use when recovering from cyber incidents

Cyber Incident Response Plan Template: Provides the guidance and structure needed to develop a clear and actionable plan for your organization/jurisdiction to implement quickly in response to an actual or suspected cyber incident

The Bay Area UASI and NCRIC engaged the Cyber Resilience Work Group in the Cyber Toolkit Workshop on July 16, 2020. In the workshop, stakeholders reviewed the contents of the Cyber Toolkit and how best to engage with its content through live demonstrations. The presenter also discussed how cyber planning relates to Continuity of Operations planning and how they can be mutually reinforcing.

Available materials include:
Workshop Recording
Workshop Slides